The Right Choice

AND THE CENTRE of eye microsurgery




Of Vision



Eye microsurgery centre

Do you want to contact our Clinic?

You are welcome!

We are glad to meet you!

What is wrong with your eyes?

What are your complaints?

You will tell all this to our specialists...

...We look into eyes of each other often. It seems sometimes that eyes can tell more than words. We know: both truth and lie, the highest and the basest feelings can be seen in them...

At such moments one always remembers that eyes are the mirror of the soul (Hugo) or the soul's windows (Plato).

We do not want your eyes to be sad or sorrowful, we want you to enjoy life together with us.

ALLEGRETTO WAVE Eye-Q - laser bursts per second, it takes only about two seconds of treatment to correct one diopter. Of course, spending less time under the laser means less stress and discomfort for the patient.