The Right Choice

AND THE CENTRE of eye microsurgery




Of Vision



Information about the centre

The main activities of the Centre are: 

  • Refractive surgery: treatment of near-sightedness, astigmatism, far-sightedness
  • surgical, therapeutic and laser treatment: cataract, glaucoma, retinal distrophy ...

THE CENTRE OF EYE MICROSURGERY is a fast dynamically developing private Clinic that uses modern surgical, laser and therapeutic technologies, ensuring individual approach to each patient.

THE CENTRE OF EYE MICROSURGERY is a united team of loyal employees physicians, nurses, optometricians, administrators, lawyers, accountants, engineers, IT specialists, insurance companies.... We make decisions, achieve our aims and evaluate results of our activities together.

THE CENTRE OF EYE MICROSURGERY is A CENTRE THAT IS DEVELOPING – from two small rooms we gradually transformed into a roomy, comfortable, modern ophthalmology Clinic with world-class equipment. Physicians of the centre are using most advanced and sophysticated technologies.

THE CENTRE OF EYE MICROSURGERY is one of the leaders in ophthalmology in Eastern Europe.

THE CENTRE OF EYE MICROSURGERY is a unique Clinic in Europe offering all kinds of vision correction:


contact lenses

microsurgical correction

laser correction


conductive keratoplasty

We did not find any other clinic in Europe offering such a choice of vision correction methods for patients with refractional anomalies(nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism).


Maximal professionalism
use of modern technologies, ensuring reliable diagnostics, high accuracy and quality of treatment

Patient satisfaction
We offer adequate service, we use all possibilities to ensure the expected results for the patients.
Improvement of service is our central aim, we are widening and modernising our services continuously.
We carefully investigate peculiarities of each patient, focusing on individual approach to treatment.

We are proud of the high reputation of our Centre, which is earned not by advertising only but by real efforts and capabilities of our specialists, which are based on:
- knowledge,
- experience,
- mastery,
- reliability of the technical equipment.

We are transparent to our clients, colleagues and society, fulfilling our promises and not involving in deals, moral or ethical aspects of which are doubtful.

We are proud of the independent private centre status. It gives us possibilities to work fast, with high quality and make strategic decisions as well as take responsibility for them.

Our activities:

Clinical general and functional diagnostics of eye diseases and development abnormalities.

Therapeutic, microsurgical and laser treatment:

refractive pathology

children ophthalmology



retinal dystrophy

pathology of the anterior part of the eye

pathology of the posterior part of the eye


endocrine ophthalmology

cosmetical ophthalmology

All kinds of vision correction – in nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness

Optics – glasses and contact lenses